Selasa, 16 April 2013


Tiger without Claws
Moral Integrity through Religious-based Education
Drs. Jamalludin Sitepu,M.A.

The Islamic Students Association (HMI)
Branch of Binjai
TELEPHONE NUMBER: 081375476850
Most religions, including Islam, teach integrity, morality, and anti-corruption. In Islam, there are many teachings and preach which forbid stealing, cheat, dishonesty, and corruption. For example, in Qur’an surah Al-Baqarah: 188, Allah wrote “        And do not consume one another's wealth unjustly or send it [in bribery] to the rulers in order that [they might aid] you [to] consume a portion of the wealth of the people in sin, while you know [it is unlawful]. Also in one Hadits, Prophet Muhammad said “May the Curse of Allah be upon the briber, the bribe recipient, and the mediator between them."
            Those values of integrity, morality, and anti-corruption are socialized among Moslems since their childhood. This socialization takes place in home, schools, mosques, and markets. State leaders and informal community leaders are together to implant these values. Radio, television, mobile phones, and videos are media for this awareness-raising.
            However, those steps of socialization and awareness-raising against corruption are finding rocks when implemented in social and formal relations. Constitutionally, Indonesia is not based on a particular religious faith. Practically, Islam is just an ethical guidance with no legal punishment for people who corrupt. So, Islam does not exert much influence on anti-corruption practices. To make it more ineffective, competition for scarce resources in economic, social, and political dimensions, in corrupt and unjust state system, make Moslems surrender to instant self-enrichment. Many are trapped in such a situation “Right Man in the Wrong Place and Wrong Time”.

I.             INTRODUCTION
My career as an Instructor/Trainer of the Islamic Students Association Students (Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam=HMI) Branch of Binjai, started in the late 1992. After graduated from International Relations Department in the University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta in 1991, I returned to North Sumatra and then involved in training university, high school students.

My involvement in HMI started in 1988 when I was trained in Basic Training by HMI Branch of Yogyakarta. My Intermediate Training I completed in 1989 in Yogyakarta, and my Senior Course was done in 2000 in Binjai. As students, I was not active in HMI of Yogyakarta. Instead, I was socializing with students with many different ideologies, such as Catholic, Protestant, Socialist, Communist, and Atheist.

As HMI instructor/trainer, started in the late 1990s, I trained students in Binjai and Langkat on Islamic Ethics, Philosophy, and Cadre Identity Value (NIK= NIlai Identitas Kader) which then changed into Struggle of Core Values (NDP= Nilai Dasar Perjuangan). However, what is taught on the training ground, is not always able to implemented by HMI trainees in real lives. Challenges, which are coming from inside and outside, are so heavy. Many stay clean, but many fail.

This paper is solely based on qualitative research, It aimed to obtain nuanced descriptions from the different qualitative aspects of the life world; it works with words and not with numbers (Kvale, 1996: 32). David and Sutton (2004: 35) added that qualitative research usually emphasizes words rather than quantification in the collection and analysis of data. In writing this paper, the author used three data gathering techniques:
1.    Literature Review
Barakat, Chard, Jacoby, and Lume (2002: 997) highly recommend a relevant literature review. The theoretical aspect of a study should draw on points that may have been raised in the literature from which a synthesis for an alternative analytical framework may be developed, integrating various theories on local circumstances and their applicability to a particular case.
2.    Interview
Interviews with other HMI instructors, trainers, and seniors regarding degrading HMI stance and status among university students have been done long before this paper is written. It is based on concerns that many HMI members and leaders have problems with law enforcement and tend to corrupt by giving political supports to corrupt government officials and political party leaders,
3.    Online Internet Searching
As a person who lives in a village and far from city, collecting information from internet is very helpful. Even though the author is only able to collect a small portion of data, this technique nowadays is developing as online publication grows significantly. As for Qur’an translation into English, the author relies heavily on online translation, especially on
4.    Triangulation
According to Bryman (2004: 275), triangulation entailed using more than the method of source of data in the study of social phenomena.  Different books or publication or persons can have different, even conflicting, arguments. This is where triangulation is important in verifying conflicting information collected by the author.

It is believed that there is no specific term of corruption in Islam. However, Ahmad Baidowi (2009: 145-147) comprehensively categorizes some terms in Qur’an as corruption, such as:
1.    “Ghulul”. According to Baidowi (2009), “ghulul” means stealing. Quoted by Baidowi (2009), Deeb al-Kudrawi in Dictionary of Al-Alfazh al-Islamiyah difines “ghulul” as stealing from the war booty before its distribution.  In Qur’an surah Ali Imran: 161. “It is not for any Prophet to take illegally a part of booty (Ghulul), and whosoever deceives his companions as regards the booty, he shall bring forth on the Day of Resurrection that which he took (illegally). Then every person shall be paid in full what he has earned, and they shall not be dealt with unjustly”. 
2.    “Risywah”. It is interpreted as bribery. In another hadits, Prophet Muhammad said “May the Curse of Allah be upon the briber, the bribe recipient, and the mediator between them." (H.R. Al-Hakim). In Qur’an Al-Baqarah: 188, it is also stated: “And do not consume one another's wealth unjustly or send it [in bribery] to the rulers in order that [they might aid] you [to] consume a portion of the wealth of the people in sin, while you know [it is unlawful]”. 
3.    “Al-Suht”. It is also referred as bribe. This term is in Qur’an in Al-Maidah: 42 which reads “(They like to) listen to falsehood, to devour anything forbidden. So if they come to you (O Muhammad), either judge between them, or turn away from them. If you turn away from them, they cannot hurt you in the least. And if you judge, judge with justice between them. Verily, Allah loves those who act justly.”
4.     “Al-Hirabah”. It is a robbery. In Qur’an in Al-Maidah: 33, it reads “The recompense of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and do mischief in the land is only that they shall be killed or crucified or their hands and their feet be cut off on the opposite sides, or be exiled from the land. That is their disgrace in this world, and a great torment is theirs in the Hereafter.”
5.    “As-Saraqah”. It means stealing somebody’s wealth secretly and unlawfully. It refers to Qur’an in surah Al-Maidah: 38 which reads “Cut off (from the wrist joint) the (right) hand of the thief, male or female, as a recompense for that which they committed, a punishment by way of example from Allah. And Allah is All-Powerful, All-Wise”.
6.    “Ghasab”. It means robbing somebody’s wealth cruelly or taking somebody’s wealth and having no intention to return it. It refers to Qur’an in Surah Al-Kahfi: 79 which reads “"As for the ship, it belonged to Masakin (poor people) working in the sea. So I wished to make a defective damage in it, as there was a king after them who seized every ship by force”.
7.    “Khasr and Bakhs”. It means cheating. It refers to Qur’an in Surah Al-Muthafifin: 1-3 which reads “Woe to Al-Mutaffifin [those who give less in measure and weight (decrease the rights of others)], Those who, when they have to receive by measure from men, demand full measure, And when they have to give by measure or weight to men, give less than due.” And Al-Syu’ara: 183 which reads “"And defraud not people by reducing their things, nor do evil, making corruption and mischief in the land.”
Additionally, Ibn Qudamah quoted by Wahid (2013). stated that eating “haram” food is identical with corruption. Helmy Ali (2013) also includes betrayal of trust as corruption. He refers to Qur’an Surah An-Nisa 58,” Indeed, Allah commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you judge between people to judge with justice. Excellent is that which Allah instructs you. Indeed, Allah is ever Hearing and Seeing”.

Intellectual Corruption
In its development, the meaning of corruption then widens. It is not only dealing with economic or political dimensions. But also it deals with intellectual perspective, that is intellectual corruption. Many call it as plagiarism (Setiyaji, 2010: 324-326).
The author sees that plagiarism among students in Binjai and Langkat has been reaching an alarming state. Many university students are lazy or not confident to write a thesis. They just pay some body write it for them. And “somebody” could be their lecturer. It is totally corruption.
To sum it, In Al-Qur’an and Hadits, there are many Islamic teachings which abhor corruption and encourage integrity. And in HMI, as Qur’an and Hadits are guiding principles, I train university students on integrity and ways to implement them. Qur’an is food and Hadits is drink.
In one book, Adz-Dzakiey (2005: 3-48) describes comprehensively on how Moslems can socialize integrity within and among themselves. Below is his description:
·         Pre-wedding period: Choosing “right bride”.
In Islam, socializing integrity for a man or woman even starts when she/he is not born, yet. It begins with their parents when their father and mother are seeking for bride and bridegroom. It is not wealth, status, or beauty which determines first, but integrity: in the concept of “iman and taqwa”.
According to Prophet Muhammad, there are four reasons why you choose a bridegroom. First, because of her beauty. Second, because of her wealth. Third, because of her status. Fourth, because of her integrity. However, integrity is the best reason why you choose a bride. Because with integrity, later you can have wealth, status, and beauty.
·         Wedding party
When you are holding a wedding party, make sure that all money used are coming from “halal” activities. Money which comes from “halal” activities could harm the sanctity of marriage. Consequently, it will lead to bad marriage and bearing bad children.
In wedding party, it is also forbidden to hold activities which are considered “haram” such as striptease dance or activities which invite evils. It is feared that it will dirt incoming baby.
·          “Halal food and drink”
Serving “halal food and drink” is important in forging integrity into incoming baby. “Halal food and drink” will make a baby healthy physically and will make him/her easy to learn Qur’an and clean from sins and corruption. “Haram food and drink” will make him/her difficult to understand Qur’an and will make him/her easy to do bad things.
·          “Guided sex”
In Islam, sex is not only for raising children or joy. It is very much related how to bear a clean baby. Moslems have to start with “Bismillah” and prayer to drive evil away. By doing this, it is hoped that the baby later will be far away from doing evil things.
·         “Azan” on the right ear and “Iqamah” on the left ear.
Listening to “azan” on the right ear and “iqamah” to the left ear for a just-born baby means the first sound the baby hears is the greatness of Allah, not other sounds. It is hoped later that the baby will only follow right sounds.
·         Giving good name
Giving a good name for baby is meant to pray that the baby will grow to become a good person. On the contrary, giving bad names are forbidden as it is feared that it will affect the baby’s mentality.
·         Breast feeding
In Islam, breastfeeding is recommended for a baby until 2 years. Medically, breastfeed is full of nutrients, and psychologically, it will create stronger bond between a mother and the baby. If the mother lacks of good breastfeed, the parents could hire somebody to breastfeed the baby. But, it must be firstly clear that the she is a good woman.
·         Khitan (Circumcision)
For a growing boy, aged 9-13, the boy has to undergo circumcision process. Medically, it is meant to clean the boy. Religiously, it is meant to clean the boy from “najis”.

·         Religious education
In juvenile age, parent must socialize religious regulation to their children. It is meat to educate the children about morality, integrity, and responsibility. In this stage, HMI plays a role, educating university students.


It has been clear form the outset that in Islam integrity teaching has been started even when a baby is not born yet. It begins with choosing the right bride/bridegroom, holding a clean and respectful wedding party, having guided sex, serving “halal food and drink”, two-years breastfeeding, and religious education. Shortly, it is the most comprehensive integrity socialization.
However, that is all theoretical. In practice, the case could be different. Day to day activities could harm religious socialization. Who perceived to be religiously pious can do wrong and sinful. Tauhid Nur Azhar abd Eman Sulaiman describe is as eroded faith and hypocritical  religousity   (Azhar and Sulaiman, 2007: 149-150).
Karazkani (2005: 103-117) argued that Moslems fail to obey Qur’an and Hadits because they love this world more than “akhirat”, eternal life after death. There are three reasons why Moslems love the world more than “akhirat”, they are arrogance, greed and envy.
That is to explain why many perceived religious persons are jailed for corruption. Another example is people are surprised when Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) set Lufti Hasan Ishaq, the President of Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), one of outstanding Islamic Political Party, and Anas Urbaningrum, former Chairman of the Association of Islamic Students (HMI), as suspects. In Langkat, many Hajj, the ones who have done pilgrimage to Mecca and Madinah, are taken into jail for corruption and embezzlement. I am sure readers can suggest a longer list of such a case.
Next is a question why perceived religious persons can be corrupting which is forbidden by their own religion. In HMI, inside training, there is no problem with teaching and implementing integrity and anti-corruption. Trainees understand what are taught and there is no denial that integrity and anti-corruption are core values of Islam.
However, the challenges for HMI are outside training location. As a very big organization for students, many political leaders and government officials are tempted to co-opt, mobilize, and manipulate HMI for their own vested interests, They lure HMI leaders by giving money, projects, or high positions after, even before, HMI leaders completed their period in HMI. Many HMI activists and instructors told me that Congress of HMI were often contaminated by money politics distributed by political leaders or government officials eager to co-opt, control, and manipulate HMI, usually for political support. Supposed to be an ultimate forum for updating training curricula and designing populist programs, congress much turned into competing ground for electing general chairman of HMI only. In the mayhem of gambling crisis in North Sumatra in 2000, some gambling mafias also tried to co-opt HMI leaders as HMI often held demonstrations to protest gambling.
This story is the same when they are back in their branch in their home town. New problem arises. HMI leaders with economic and power greed motivation will easily fall to corruption trap. These leaders, whom I called “opportunist HMI leaders” will then influence HMI members to join their ranks, securing wealth and position from particular political leaders and government officials. From my own experiences and discussion with other HMI instructors and trainers, this kind of HMI leaders usually are able to rally significant supports among HMI members on the grass root.
This is situation is, of course, not accepted by other factions within HMI. They see co-optation, mobilization, and manipulation of HMI by particular political leaders and government officials could endanger HMI’s independence and idealism, and in turn, integrity and anti-corruption movement. This people, whom I called “Idealist HMI leaders, instructors and trainers, stay neutral and defend HMI as a training ground for people who want dignity and respect in their lives. They are ready to die in poverty if clean and “halal” ways to richness and success are blocked.

Why is external environment so detrimental to integrity and anti-corruption? The answer is structural. Here are my explanations:
1.   Poverty and Economic Injustice
Many good Moslems are stumbling blocks and surrender to corruption, against their religious faith, because of economic reasons. They are poor and want to be rich. To achieve that with right paths are almost impossible. The economic system for long has been co-opted by capitalist system which does not give opportunities for the poor. Banks only lend money to the rich and the corrupt. The rich tend to hold on their power through political, social, economical, and judicial instruments. What supposed to be a socialist state, in practice, it is a primitive capitalism which once existed in North America and West Europe. In short, vertical mobilization has been blocked
If you choose the right path, it means you have to more patient and hunger-proof. You can still achieve what you want, but you have to be waiting for sometime and the right moment until Allah decides your destiny to be rich and powerful. There is no escape door.
            However, that is the problem. Not all or many people are patient enough to wait for that time to come. Instead of being patient and staying on the straight path (shirattal mustaqim), many Moslems are surrendering to evils and do “haram” things. Religious values which have been implanted for long are erased in a short time. They love more material wealth (hubud dunya) rather than the mercy of Allah.

2.        Secular political system.
Many Moslems are confused to see how secular political system in Indonesia. There is no “haram and halal” boundary. Politics only deal with how you get the power and how you maintain it. Mostly, it is Machiavellist. You can buy votes and pay officers which manage voting system.
It is exacerbated by the fact that the political party system is still dominated by dynasty politics. Just observe how PDIP (Struggle indonesia democracy party) is dominated by Sukarno kinship and oligarchy, Democrat Party by SBY (Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono), PKS (Prosperous justice party) by Hilmi Aminuddin. Vertical mobilization through political party system is not running well. Dominant and ruling political parties prevent new political parties from growing by using Election Law. Growth of newly young and clean political leaders is almost Non-existent.
3.   Weak Law Enforcement in judicial system.
In their childhood time, many Moslem are taught about Islamic Law which forbids them to do sins. However, as they grow up, many values of Islamic Law are then substituted by national law or regional regulation which is secular in essence. Many Moslems are not ready to obey 2 laws which are in many times on the contrary each other. For example, in Islamic law it is stated that it is forbidden to steal and cheat because Allah see you. However, in National Law, it is not easy to sue somebody stealing from you if nobody witnesses it and no evidence.
This is exacerbated by the fact that many persons, who are in charge of rules and law, are breaching laws themselves. Bribery and embezzlement are common in court. You can bribe judges or prosecutors. When you are caught for criminal acts, laws could be compromised. Upholding laws and constitutions are just lip service. Jail? According to Togar Lubis, a lawyer in Langkat, in January 2013, nowadays jail is becoming the best school to teach and train someone to be a criminal. Jail is also a place where you can find drugs and a drug mafia controls drugs trade.
Islam preaches integrity and forbids corruption. Socialization process begins even before a baby is born until he/she grows up, such as in choosing “right bride/bridegroom, wedding party, serving halal food and drink, making love with “Bismillah”, “Azan” on the right ear and “Iqamah” on the left ear, Giving good name, breast feeding, “khitan” (circumcision), and religious education. All must be done in the Name of Allah with clean and right motivation.
In HMI, integrity and anti corruption are also taught. Training curricula contains lessons on human responsibility to create a just and prosperous world. All kinds of crimes and misbehavior must be avoided. In the training ground, it is honesty and truth which prevail.
However, when trainees completed their trainings (Basic Training, Intermediate Training, Advanced Training, and Senior Course), students have difficulties in adapting themselves to real lives situation. Many corrupt and greedy political leaders and government officials are very eager to co-opt, mobilize, and manipulate HMI for their own vested-interests. They tempt HMI leaders and member by giving away money, wealth, and political positions. Many fall down, but many stand high, too, proudly.
The fall down happens because of two reasons, internally and externally. Internally, their faith is weak because of arrogance, greed and envy. Externally, economic, political, and judicial systems are structurally corrupt. “Right and good persons, who decide to work within the system, will come out in dirt and contaminated”, because the system is already rotten and sick.
There is no way out to work with the system. So far, many have proposed and suggested partial and artificial rehabilitation to the system. Sometimes they call it as Reformation. It fails because the men who guard and operate the system are still the same. They will always endeavor to find weakness within the system.
The only solution is a revolution. There are two kinds of revolutions: one is an abrupt and violent revolution, and two is peaceful revolution. As for Indonesia, the author recommends a peaceful revolution. What is a peaceful revolution and how to achieve it, it is not in this paper to elaborate this issue. The author recommends writing a research on how to proceed to a peaceful revolution.
Adz-Dzakiey , Hamdani Bakran (2005), Prophetic Intelligence: Kecerdasan Kenabian, Yogyakarta, Islamika.

Ali, Helmy (2012),  PEMBERANTASAN KORUPSI DITINJAU DARI PERSPEKTIF ISLAM,, accessed on the 23 Feb 2013

Azhar, Tauhid Nur and Sulaiman, Eman (2007), HARAM BIKIN SERAM: Refleksi Keharaman dalam Gaya Hidup dan Perilaku, Bandung, Madania Prima

Baidowi, Ahmad (2009), Pemberantasan Korupsi dalam Perspektif Islam, Esensia, Vol.10, No.2 2009

Barakat, S., Chard, M., Jacoby, T., and Lume, W. (2002), The Composite Approach: research design in the context of war and armed conflict, Third World Quaterly 23 (5).

Bryman, A. (2004), Social Research Method, Oxord, Oxford University Press.

David, M. and Sutton, C.D. (2004), Social Research: The Basics, London, Thousand Oaks, New  Delhi, Sage Publications

Karazkani, Ibrahim al (2005), Taman Orang-Orang Yang Bertobat, Jakarta, Pustaka Zahra.

Kvale, S. (1996), An Introduction to Qualitative Research Interviewing, Thousand Oaks, London and New Delhi, Sage Publications.

Setiyaji, Achmad (2010), Mereka Menuduh Saya, Yogyakarta, Galangpress

Wahid, Marzuki (2013), Pandangan dan Sikap Islam,, accessed 23 Feb 2013 

Kisruh PNPM MP di Selesai 2013


            Puluhan warga Desa Selayang Baru, Kecamatan Selesai, Kabupaten Langkat, melayangkan surat protes kepada Unit Pengelola Kegiatan (UPK) PNPM MP 2013 Kecamatan Selesai, Kabupaten Langkat. Dalam surat protes yang berbentuk pernyataan sikap tersebut dinyatakan bahwa warga masyarakat Desa Selayang Baru, Kecamatan Selesai, Kabupatem Langkat, menyatakan menolak proyek PNPM MP 2013 di Desa Selayang Baru, Kecamatan Selesai, yang telah ditetapkan oleh Tim Verifikasi PNPM MP Kecamatan Selesai jatuh di Dusun Lubuk Sekam, Selayang Baru, dalam bentuk proyek Tembok Penahan Tanah (TPT).
            Adapun dasar-dasar penolakan mereka adalah sebagai berikut:
  1. Dalam Musyawarah Desa program PNPM MP 2013 yang diadakan di Balai Dusun Tanjung Kapuk, tanggal 22 Januari 2013, yang dihadiri oleh Kepala Desa Selayang Baru (Legimin), Fasilitator Kecamatan, Agus Arifin, Pendaping Lokal, Ruslan Bangun, dan seorang anggota UPK, telah ditetapkan bahwa yang akan diusulkan dalam MAD II di Selesai adalah (1) Pembuatan Parit Beton sepanjang 300 meter di Dusun Pondok Kelapa, (2) Pengerasan jalan di Dusun Lubuk Sekam, dengan skala prioritas pertama pada Pembuat Parit Beton di Dusun Pondok Kelapa. Kepala Desa dan seluruh Kepala Dusun yang hadir telah setuju atas 2 usulan ini.
  2. Usulan proyek TPT itu tidak ada dalam daftar usulan masyarakat kepada program PNPM MP 2013 Kalaupun ada usulan pembuatan TPT, itu ada dalam daftar usulan RPJMDes 2011-2014. Sebagaimana diketahui, usulan-usulann proyek di RPJMDes adalah didanai oleh APBD Langkat.
  3. Usulan pembuatan TPT itu hanyalah upaya Kepala Desa Selayang Baru yang tidak memperhatikan dan mempertimbangkan aspirasi mayoritas warga Desa Selayang Baru, serta menganulir keputusan dan ketetapan hasil musyawarah desa  secara sepihak.
Dalam suratnya tersebut, warga masyarakat Desa Selayang Baru mengharapkan agar UPK PNPM MP 2013 Kecamatan Selesai, PJOK Kecamatan Selesai, FK dan FT PNPM MP 2013 Kecamatan Selesai agar mematuhi Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) pelaksanaan program PNPM MP. Ini dimaksudkan agar dana PNPM MP 2013 dapat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat luas, tidak hanya untuk kepentingan satu oknum atau kelompok. Dan yang terlebih penting adalah bahwa jangan sampai program/proyek PNMP MP malah menimbulkan konflik baru di tengah masyarakat.

Premanisme di Binjai dan Langkat

Langkat: Direktur Eksekutif LSM Elppamas (Lembaga Pemberdayaan dan Pengembangan Masyarakat Sipil), Drs. Jamalludin Sitepu, M.A.,  menegaskan bahwa ia mendukung sikap dan program Kapolresta Binjai, AKBP Musa Tampubolon, untuk memberantas premanisme dan perjudian di wilayah hukum Kota Binjai dan beberapa kecamatan di Kabupaten Langkat, seperti Kecamatan Selesai, Sei Bingei, dan Binjai, yang menjadi areal tanggungjawab Kapolresta Binjai di bidang penegakan hukum. “Teruskan saja program-program Pak Kapolres Binjai untuk memberikan rasa aman kepada warga. Jangan takut kepada preman. Masak alat negara takut sama preman?, kata Jamalludin Sitepu kepada media massa ini lewat press releasenya.
Menurut Jamalludin Sitepu, dukungan ini ia berikan kepada Kaporesta Binjai, AKBP Musa Tampubolon, karena beberapa terakhir ini tuntuan dari beberapa elemen masyarakat agar AKBP Musa Tampubolon segera mundur sebagai Kapolresta Binjai semakin kuat. Tuntutan mundur ini disebabkan oleh skenario kampanye gelap yang diarahkankan kepada Kapolresta Binjai.
Jamalludin Sitepu juga mengatakan bahwa temuannya dilapangan bahwa aksi premanisme makin menjadi-jadi di Langkat Hulu sudah pernah ia sampaikan ke publik lewat media massa hampir setahun yang lalu. Ia berpendapat bahwa respon Kapolresta Binjai dan jajaran di bawahnya tidak maksimal. Para preman yang bersembunyi dibalik seragam Ormas/OKP tertentu ini telah banyak membuat resah warga Para preman ini melakukan pemerasan uang rakyat dan kemudian menghabiskan uang itu untuk berfoya-foya di meja judi, kompleks pelacuran,kafe-kafe alkohol, pesta sabu, beristri banyak ataupun “dicuci” untuk modal bisnis (money laundering).
Jadi, kata Jamalludin Sitepu, Kapolresta Binjai diminta dalam memberantas preman dan premanisme ini tidak bermain-main atau sekedar hiasan belaka untuk laporan kepada Kapoldasu. Pemberantasan premanisme, perjudian, dan narkoba di wilayah hukum Polresta Binjai haruslah dilaksanakan secara “full (penuh), tidak setengah-setengah. Warga masyarakat sudah cukup sakit dibuat para preman ini kata Jamalludin Sitepu. Nanam padi, jagung, kayu, dagang, atau usaha apapun kena “uang keamanan/uang pajak” oleh para preman ini. Akibatnya harga-harga hasil produk para petani dikurangi oleh para pedagang/toke yang membeli hasil bumi para petani. Para petani yang bekerja keras, para preman yang memanennya.

Bendera dan Lambang GAM di Aceh

Sekretariat: Jl. A. Yani, Selayang Baru, Selesai, Langkat Kode Pos: 20762
No. 03/III/2013
                Langkat: Direktur Eksekutif LSM Elppamas, Drs. Jamalludin Sitepu, M.A. menyatakan bahwa pengesahan Rencana Qanun (Ranperda) tentang Bendera dan Lambang Aceh menjadi Qanun tentang Bendera dan Lambang Aceh oleh DPRA Aceh pada tanggal 23 Maret 2013 lalu sebagai sebuah “kudeta tak berdarah” yang dilancarkan oleh Gerakan Aceh Merdeka melalui anggota-anggotanya di DPRA lewat Partai Aceh. Demikian disampaikan oleh Jamalludin Sitepu, peneliti Aceh asal Langkat yang pernah studi S2 di Inggris ini, lewat siaran persnya terkait dengan disahkannya bendera dan lambang GAM menjadi bendera dan lambang Aceh tersebut.
                Oleh karena itu, Jamalludin Sitepu meminta kepada Pemerintah Pusat, dalam hal ini Menteri Dalam Negeri, untuk membatalkan atau tidak mengesahkan Qanun atau Perda tersebut. Walaupun tak diatur secara jelas dalam MoU Helsinki dan UU No. 11 Tahun 2006 tentang Pemerintahan Aceh, pemakaian bendera dan lambang gerakan separatis itu menciderai semangat perdamaian di Aceh dan Persatuan dan Kesatuan di dalam NKRI. Apalagi didalam Peraturan Pemerintah No. 77 Tahun 2007 jelas-jelas disebutkan bahwa lambang dan bendera daerah tidak boleh seperti lambang dan bendera yang pernah disampaikan oleh gerakan separatis.
                Selanjutnnya, Jamalludin Sitepu meminta kepada Presiden RI Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono untuk tidak salah mengambil kebijakan seperti yang pernah dilakukan oleh Presiden BJ Habibie dalam menetapkan referendum di Timor Timur yang kemudian menyebabkan lepasnya wilayah tersebut dari wilayah NKRI. Jamalludin Sitepu mensinyalir pengesahan qanun tentang bendera dan lambang Aceh tersebut dilakukan anasir-anasir GAM ketika Indonesia disibukkan dengan gonjang ganjing politik di internal Partai Demokrat dan Pemilihan Umum Legislatif serta Pemilihan Umum Presiden yang akan dilaksanakan tahun depan. “GAM nampaknya menerapkan taktik “blietzkrig” atau cepat sebelum lengsernya SBY sebagai Presiden RI”. Dengan taktik ini, begitu Qanun itu disetujui Mendagri, Presiden RI baru nantinya tak akan mampu berbuat banyak karena situasinya sudah terlanjur atau “fait accompli”.
                Kepada aparat TNI dan Polri, Jamalludin Sitepu meminta untuk tidak segan-segan melarang atau mencopot bendera-bendera GAM atau mirip bendera GAM yang telah berkibar di wilayah Provinsi Aceh atau dimanapun di wilayah NKRI. Jika dibiarkan berlarut-larut, Jamalludin Sitepu mengkhawatirkan akan ada gesekan-gesekan massa di bawah yang akan menimbulkan konflik yang lebih berat dan lebih rumit. Apalagi sekarang sudah ada yang mulai berani mengumandangkan wacana “GAYO MERDEKA”. Terakhir, Jamalludin Sitepu mengharapkan kepada GAM, atau Komite Peraliahan Aceh (KPA) atau Partai Aceh (PA) untuk berpikir jernih. “Jangan sampai ambisi mementingkan perjuangan GAM lebih penting dari keinginan memakmurkan seluruh rakyat Aceh dalam bingkai NKRI.” Kalau ini terjadi, akan ada perang antara rakyat melawan rakyat  dan GAM melawan TNI/Polri lagi.
                                                                        (DRS. JAMALLUDIN SITEPU, M.A.)
                                                                                 Direktur Eksektutif Elppamas

Minggu, 12 Agustus 2012

Pilkades harus dibiayai negara

Lembaga Pemberdayaan dan Pengembangan Masyarakat Sipil
Sekretariat: Jl. A. Yani, No. 22, Selayang Baru, Selesai, Kabupaten Langkat


Langkat: Pemerintah Kabupaten Langkat harus membiayai seluruh pemilihan kepala desa di Kabupaten Langkat pada tahun 2012 ini. Pada bulan Oktober 2012, direncanakan akan diadakan Pemilihan Kepala Desa (Pilkades) di 24 desa. Mekanismenya adalah dengan memasukkan pembiayannya pada P-APBD Langkat 2012 ini. Untuk itu kerjasama antara Pemkab Langkat dan DPRD Langkat sangat penting untuk mensukseskan Pilkades di 24 desa tersebut. Demikian pendapat yang dikemukakan oleh Direktur Eksekutif LSM Elppamas, Drs. Jamalludin Sitepu, M.A. kepada awak media lewat siaran persnya baru-baru ini.
Menurut beliau, selama ini pemilihan kepala desa dibiayai oleh para calon kepala desa di desa-desanya masing-masing. Semakin banyak calon kepala desa di sebuah desa, maka akan semakin sedikit biaya yang harus dibayar oleh seorang kepala desa. Dan sebaliknnya, jika calon kepala desa semakin sedikit, maka akan semakin besar biaya yang harus dibayar seorang calon kepala desa kepada panitia pemilihan kepala desa setempat.
Lebih lanjut, Jamalludin Sitepu mengatakan bahwa jika calon kepala desa jumlahnya 2 orang, maka umumnya seorang calon kepala desa harus membayar biaya Pilkades sebanyak Rp. 8-10 juta kepada panitia Pilkades. Biaya sebesar ini akan sangat memberatkan calon-calon kepala desa yang berkualitas bagus tapi tak punya banyak modal dan harta yang bisa dihabiskan membiaya Pilkades di desa mereka. Belum lagi para calon kepala desa tersebut harus mengeluarkan biaya-biaya lagi untuk mobilisasi massa, kampanye, penyediaan dan pemasangan tanga gambar, dan lain-lain. Paling sedikit, seorang calon kepala desa harus mengeluarkan biaya Rp. 20-30 juta.
”Kondisi yang demikian ini adalah tidak adil bagi para calon kepala desa. Pemilihan Presiden, DPR/DPRD, Gubernur, Bupati, dan Walikota itu dibiayai oleh negara yang dijalankan oleh Komisi Pemilihan Umum  (KPU) dan diawasi oleh Bawaslu/Panwaslu. Gaji dan tunjangan Presiden, DPR/DPRD. Gubernur, Bupati serta Walikota sangat tinggi. Sedangkan gaji Kepala Desa sangat rendah, sekitar Rp. 1.500.000/bulan,  dibandingkan tugas dan fungsi seorang kepala desa di tengah-tengah masyarakat.
            Dampak lainnya adalah tersingkirnya calon-calon kepala desa yang berkualitas bagus karena tidak mempunyai cukup modal dan harta untuk membayar kepada panitia Pilkades. Maka adalah tidak mengherankan jika terdapat semakin banyak bukti bahwa kualitas kepemimpinan dan kepala desa di Kabupaten Langkat saat ini sangat rendah. Akibatnya banyak program-program pemerintahan Kabupaten Langkat tidak berjalan sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Keamanan dan ketertiban masyarakatpun porak poranda. “Untuk menggerakkan masyarakatnya bergotong royongpun sudah tidak mampu. Celakanya, sudah banyak kepala desa yang didemo karena melakukan kejahatan-kejahatan. Tapi lebih banyak masyarakat yang mengelus dada, prihatin melihat perilaku kepala desa mereka yang tak beres. Mereka sadar bahwa mereka telah salah coblos pada Pilkades lalu.”, kata Jamalludin Sitepu
Terakhir, Jamalludin Sitepu mengatakan bahwa dia berharap banyak kepada Kabag Pemerintahan Desa (Pemdes) Kabupaten Langkat yang baru, Drs. Syahruddin, untuk betul-betul menyaring para calon  kepala desa di 24 desa yang akan dipilih oleh rakyatnya pada tahun 2012 ini. ”Jangan seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya lah.  Proses penyaringan yang dilakukan Bagian Pemdes Langkat selama ini seperti formalitas belaka. Akibatnya Pemkab Langkat yang rugi, dan rakyat di desa menderita selama 5 tahun berikutnya, atau bahkan lebih, karena dampak sosialnya jauh melebihi masa pemerintahan kepala desa  tersebut”.

Hormat saya,
Jamal Sitepu.
HP: 081375476850

Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

Operasi Patuh Toba 2012: Beratkan Masyarakat

Lembaga Pemberdayaan dan Pengembangan Masyarakat Sipil
Sekretariat: Jl. A. Yani, No. 22, Selayang Baru, Selesai, Kabupaten Langkat

Press Release tentang Operasi Patuh Toba 2012

Langkat: LSM Elppamas. melalui Direktur Eksekutifnya, Drs. Jamalludin Sitepu, M.A., meminta kepada pihak Kepolisian Daerah Sumatera Utara, khususnya Polres Langkat dan Polresta Binjai, untuk tidak berlebihan dalam melaksanakan Operasi Patuh Toba 2012 yang dilakukan pada awal sampai pertengahan Juli 2012 ini. Kedepankan pendekatan-pendekatan psikologis dan teknik persuasif dalam menangani pelanggaran-pelanggaran peraturan lalu lintas yang bersifat ringan. ”Jangan sampai pelanggaran-pelanggaran peraturan lalu lintas yang ringan dan bersifat administratif ditilang dan diberi hukuman denda pembayaran yang mencapai ratusan ribu rupiah. Ini sangat memberatkan warga ”, demikian sebut Jamalludin Sitepu.
            Soalnya sampai saat ini sudah banyak warga pelanggar peraturan-peraturan lalu lintas yang bersifat ringan dan administratif mengeluhkan tingginya biaya pembayaran denda yang ditentukan oleh Pihak Kepolisian. “Jangan sampai pihak Kepolisian bangga dengan tingginya jumlah pelanggaran lalulintas yang terjadi dan jumlah kenderaan yang berhasil ditilang. Justru itu adalah indikator kegagalan kepolisian dan warga masyarakat dalam memasyarakatkan peraturan perundang-undangan tentang lalulintas”, kata Jamalludin Sitepu
            Pada awal bulan Juli 2012 ini, warga masyarakat sudah cukup lelah dengan pengeluaran yang mereka harus sediakan. Awal tahun ajaran baru bagi para siswa-siswi sudah cukup menyita pendapatan orang tua. Belum lagi mendekati bulan suci Ramadhan ini harga barang-barang kebutuhan pokokpun mulai merangkak naik. Jadi warga masyarakat sudah terkena “routine double shock (kejutan ganda rutin tahunan)”. Pelaksanaan Patuh Toba 2012 yang sewenang-wenang atas nama hukum semata, tanpa memperhatikan aspek psikologis dan finansial warga, akan mendapatkan resistensi dari warga.
            Contohnya sudah ada, kata Jamalludin Sitepu, yakni pertengkaran menjurus perkelahian antar anggota TNI dan Polisi di Helvetia, Medan, beberapa hari yang lalu. Jika tak cepat ditangani para pimpinannya, pertengkaran itu bisa berlanjut ke tingkat masalah yang lebih serius, yakni perang antara anggota TNI dan Polri. ”Syukur para pimpinan 2 institusi tersebut cepat turun tangan menyelesaikan masalahnya, sehingga tidak berlarut.” kata Jamalludin Sitepu
            Jadi, kata Jamalludin Sitepu, aparat Polri harus juga dibekali dengan perangkat-perangkat pengetahuan psikologis dan sosiologis. Tidak semata-mata hanya mengetahui dan mengimplemtasikan Undang-undang tentang Lalulintas semata, ataupun undang-undang lainnya. Dengan mengetahui perangkat-perangkat pengetahuan ilmu psikologi dan sosiologi, pendekatan kepolisian akan lebih humanis, mendasar, dan sukses. Dengan bahasa yang sedikit agak keras, artinya polisi jangan merasa paling suci dan paling tahu dengan hukum.
Sekedar informasi saja, akhir Jamalludin Sitepu, dalam Survey Kepuasan Publik Langkat tahun 2010 yang dilaksanakan oleh LSM Elppamas, jumlah warga masyarakat Langkat yang memandang Langkah Penertiban Lalulintas sebagai berlebihan menduduki peringkat ke-7. Warga kecamatan yang memandangnya sebagai masalah itu sebagai Peringkat ke-1 adalah di Kecamatan Stabat dan Kecamatan Sawit Seberang.